Monday, December 5, 2011

Teachers Get Around
By Davis Sutton

She’s been to Spain, France, New York City, Chicago, San Diego, and Whidbey Island.

Ms. Kara Asmussen isn’t just an L.A. teacher, L.A. dept. chair, and yearbook advisor at Kennedy High School.

When in France she ordered seafood by the bay but didn’t expect her prawn to be fresh. And still wishes to be back in France.

She loved visiting her parents in Whidbey Island, Washington over the summer. Located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

One of her favorite things to do is travel. She’s been to Spain and France with the Kennedy Spanish and France World Language Classes.

Another thing she likes to do is play with her dog, Bailey. She also loves crafting stuff.

She combined the two of them with her sister over the holidays. And made a hat for her sisters French Bulldog.

Her favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. She likes that is a story by Stephen King, and the unexpected turns.

She really likes her job. She likes the people she works with, likes the students, and gets to see every grade of students each day.

This is a story I wrote on a teacher at Kennedy. This was the first interview I was in. We interviewed her as a whole class for Intro to Journalism. Then we took a couple days in class to put the story together. This story was fun to write because it was my first and we got to learn how to interview, and put stories together.

Friday, December 2, 2011

KFC-Where’s the chicken?
By Davis Sutton
            Playing Ultimate Frisbee is one thing, starting a Frisbee club is another. Lucas Fritch sr., started what is known as KFC- Kennedy Frisbee Club.
            “I’m the founder, I really like Ultimate Frisbee. I hope to play college, and I want to go pro,” said Fritch.
            Ultimate Frisbee is a unique sport that not many people know about.
 “Ultimate is a sport played with two teams, one Frisbee; you pass to teammates, and try to get it into the in zone. You can’t move with Frisbee in hand,” said Jake Wilding sr.
One tip from Fritch is to learn how to throw a flick, and to throw with both hands. A flick is a forehand throw.
            Ultimate Frisbee is tough when there is wind present. “You need to know how to keep it low, throw it fast, and with a lot of spin,” said Fritch.
            Fritch said he thinks the school needed an Ultimate Frisbee Club, and that anyone can come out and play.
KFC is planning on lowering the players down to a team of about 15. So they can compete against teams from Linn Mar, and Xavier.
            KFC hopes to practice indoors over the winter, where they can hope to find the top athletes to play on the team.
 KFC usually plays on Sunday afternoon at the top soccer field at Harding Middle School. They usually get a turn out from 15-25 competitors, and they play anywhere from three to six games, to seven points.
            “Ultimate is a little like football and soccer, but it really isn’t like any other sport,” said Wilding.

This is a story I wrote about the Kennedy Ultimate Frisbee Club. For this story I interviewed Jake Wilding one of the best ultimate players, and Lucas Fritch who is also one of the best ultimate players and the founder. This was a fun story to write because I got to meet new people, and this story was all on my own. Even the part of coming up with my own story.
Wrath of Time

By Davis Sutton

            Wrath of Time is of the music the John F. Kennedy Marching Band performed this year.

            Wrath of Time exists of requiems from classical composers like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Brahms, and Giuseppe Verdi.

            One of JFK’s instructor’s Christopher bird said that they had a great rewarding show.

            They performed at multiple competitions, and all the home football games at Kingston.

There best competition finish was third place at Mount Pleasant; they also received a fourth place finish at Irondale, and eighth out of thirteen at West Des Moines Valley. They also performed at five seasons where it was an exhibition, not a competition.

            They received a division 1 superior rating at the State Marching Band Competition.

            They went up to New Brighton, Minnesota to perform a show.

            “Everyone join marching band, it’s fun,” fresh. trombonist Joshua Lyman said.

This is my story I wrote on the JFK marching band. I Interviewed one of the marching band teachers for this. I also interviewed a freshmen trombonist Josh Lyman. This was a fun story to write because I got to meet two new people. This was also one of my first stories on my own.